Saturday, February 24, 2007

Waiving the Corkage Fee

B-Trip: Home

Robust up front, with subtle notes of tuna and an ambiguous finish.

Consider me your fecal sommelier.

B-Trip: Home

Followup D's wait for no man.

Reading an interesting LA Times editorial about Bush/Clinton dynasties. (Unfortunately it has already been yanked from their website.)

The editorial essentially wondered why Americans would entertain the notion of 28 consecutive years of Bush-Clinton-Bush-Clinton presidencies. (With Jeb Bush waiting in the wings in 2012!).

It would be helpful if Hillary addressed this issue head on. Even if she IS the right person for the job, will she be bringing back a flock of '90's retreads with old scores to settle? God, I hope not.

Washington could use some fresh ideas right about now.

B-Trip: Home

File this one under: Preventative D.

With two parties to attend tonight, Elle and I are in a hurry. But as we prepared to leave, it occurred to me I may not make through both without the urge to Take D striking at the most inconvenient time.

So at this moment I'm taking steps to remove D from tonight's equation. Meanwhile, Elle is essentially standing outside the B-Trip tapping her foot. It goes without saying these are not particularly desirable circumstances under which to Take D. However, it sure beats 'hunkering down' at a cocktail party and emerging to find a half dozen guests cued up outside the door like unwitting lambs awaiting the slaughter.

(Editor's note: this turned out to be a wise move since the first party we attended inexplicably featured three different kinds of chili.)

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