Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Movie Rights Available!

B-Trip: Home

Morning D. I'm reading an article in today's LA Times describing how the internet is enabling, to an unprecedented extent, John Q. Public to call the shots in today's Hollywood. We're wresting control of the reins!

It got me thinking about the movie version of this online journal. Just imagine...

...two blissful hours...

...Paul Rudd...

...or possibly Chiwetel Ejiofor....

....taking all manner of craps.

I smell Oscar!

Oh, wait. I take that back. That's not Oscar I smell. It's D.

B-Trip: Home

Followup D.

It occurred to me I should address the 'time stamp' I've been using to categorize these D's. It is not meant to imply that all my D's last one minute. They typically fall in the 5-7 minute range, a bit longer if I'm trying to finish something I'm reading.

There also may be rare occasions in which they last less than five minutes. For example, if someone lobbed a grenade through the b-trip window while I was sitting there.

It seems obsessive to bring a stopwatch into the b-trip with you, so unless noted otherwise, assume the D lasted somewhere between 5-7 minutes. The time listed, of course, falls within that range. Maybe it's when I started. Perhaps it's when I wiped. Maybe it's when I thought I was done, but it turned out I wasn't. One thing is clear: We've already spent way too much time discussing it.

B-Trip: Home

I had three-day old Thai leftovers for lunch. I admit it. What can I say? I don't like wasting food...and everyone knows a liberal coating of soy sauce heals all wounds.

But that doesn't mean the crab noodles enjoyed my gastro-intestinal accommodations. In fact, it seems they only wanted to hang around for a few hours. Maybe if I offered a free continental breakfast they wouldn't be in such a hurry. Regardless, so long!

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