Thursday, January 18, 2007

Day 1

Alright....I've made up my mind to go through with this. I've been tracking my 2007 D's and I'm ready to start posting. Unfortunately I can't go back in time so we'll call this Day 1.

I'll back-date my prior 2007 D's like stock options soon. Here's a look at today's action:

B-Trip: Home

Morning D. Read LA Times article about mother of three in Sacramento who participated in a radio statioin contest a few weeks ago called "No Wee for a Wii". Twenty people were handed bottle after bottle of water to drink. Whoever could hold it the longest won. Well, this mother unfortunately finished in second place. And then died a few hours later because her insides exploded after being forced to retain 2 gallons of water. Surely there's a lawsuit brewing. I hope the radio station, at the very least, gave a Wii to her children. After all, their mother gave her life for it.

B-trip: Home

This would be the Followup D. After my Morning D, there's almost always a coffee-induced followup a few hours later. I stuck with the LA Times, this time reading about Bush's plummeting approval rating. Apparently squandering the public trust, over time, comes back to bite you. And Hillary, freshly back from Iraq, decided she no longer supports the 'surge'. I say we send Bush and Hillary over...and then secretly bring everyone else home so they're stranded. Man, they'd be so pissed.

B-trip: Home

I have a wife. Her name is Elle. Wives, I've learned, have the ability to stink up the b-trip with the rest of them. Girlfriends don't appear to be capable of this. Fiancees might accidentally do it once, but wives throw caution/modesty/whathaveyou to the wind. And when they do, the wind don't smell so nice.

For this particular D, I unwittingly went in just moments after she took care of some business of her own. But to her credit, I experienced no ill effects. The only evidence that she'd been there was the open windows and a hint, in the air, of the spray she'll often use to cover things up. I love this woman.

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